Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume 6 | Issue 2

A Study on the Influence of Television Shows (Reality Shows, Science Fiction shows and Sports Television Shows) on Control-Beliefs

Biaknungi1 Ringngheti Khenglawt2 and Lallianzuali Fanai3*


The issue of media influence continues to be a growing cause for concern in today. It is seen by many as both an increasing burden causing body image distortion and also as a pathway to psychological illness such as low self esteem, depression and eating disorders. The aim of this research is to explore the influence of watching television series like reality television shows, science fiction and sports television shows on control beliefs. The study, conducted in Mizoram, consists of 30 samples between the age group of 16 to 20. After filling out the demographic sheet and the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS), the results of the study revealed that gender differences exists among viewers of reality, science-fiction and sports television series in their control belief. The results also reveal that there is no significant relationship between viewers of reality, science fiction and sports television series with regard to their control beliefs.

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